Sunday, June 20, 2004



zouk it was last nite. a spur of the moment, last minute thing. met a couple of familiar faces there and bumped into Wan. i had my workout and my dose of crazy dancing. and dats basically all i need. dats probably one of the best things i like bout zouk. u can dance any way u like, mind ure own business and no one would bother u, and best of all, not dat many sleezeballs on the lose. even if there were, there were enough drop dead gorgeous bapoks to get their attention.

i think the problem with SOME of us, is that we like to judge other people just by looking at them. and suddenly we think we know their whole life story. and then the worst part is we react to them in a certain way. i am guilty of this too sometimes. then why do we keep saying looks are not important and what counts is what is inside of you, when all we ever do is judge people from how they look, what they wear, their hairstyle. isnt this merely outward showcase of a person we have not known yet. is it right to think that a person with 10 earrings on each ear is any worst than a person with only one? or a person wearing a sleeveless top has low morales as compared to a person wearing tops with sleeves. as we walk along orchard road, how many times have we shaked our heads in shame and disbelief as we passed kids with overly exposed clothes and our own breed of punk clan with spiked hair and leather jackets? how many times have we said to ourselves, what have becomed of our kids nowadays? subconsconsciouly we think everything bad about them.

come to think of it, who are we to say we are any better than them? Is it coz we are decently dressed and pray five times a day? does that makes us any better than them? do we really know them enough to decide, and first of all, is it up to us to decide? have we ever thought why they had turned out the way they have before we label them as bringing shame to our wonderful religion, or race for that matter. maybe, just maybe, they are not blessed with a family that is functioning. maybe just maybe, they do not have the necessary support from their families as how we lucky pple have. or perhaps, it is a phase of their life which could lead them to something better someday. maybe punk culture has given them space to develop a talent they have which could not be appreciated in Singapore where paper qualifications are all that matters. but maybe I'm wrong and they just choose to be like that cause they just plan to be bad. the point is we don't know. we really don't. and its just so easy for us to walk pass and give remarks as if we are any better than them, when what we r really doing is stereotyping and judging people's character based merely on looks.

But i guess that's how the world works. outward appearance do count. the reality is, MOST people judge us by the way we look, the clothes we wear and they react to us accordingly. so don't ever tell anyone that looks don't matter and its wat's inside u that counts. Coz maybe, that's not true after all.

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