Wednesday, June 30, 2004



if ive learnt one thing from the working life, it's having to adapt to pple's different work styles. but i realize one of the most difficult pple to work with are the last minute, haphazard and unclear pple. if u work under this kind of pple, dats it!

so, because im working with a person who is such, i end up having to go buy a printer for the school and a backdrop for our school's photography. all by latest tomorrow!!when all these was supposed to be already settled by the very busyyy colleague of mine. i really felt like strangling someone at that time!!! D was kind enuff to squeeze some time for me amidst his many projects and back to back deadlines. (nanti kasi present eh;) somehow we ended up at plaza sing, where i could get both under one roof. almost bought the printer, when the colleague called and said, the school might not want to pay for it. but he said not to worry coz he will take it for his personal use. can ah like dat? so i decided not to buy, im dead broke anyway and what if he decides not to buy the printer???? after all, the ink catridges are not exactly cheap. then off we went to spotlight to get the backdrop. pikir punya pikir, tak leh decide lah, this and dat, and finally we just grabbed one.

and after all that, i just have to regained my sanity and eased my anger. no better way to do dat then to SHOP of coz! in the end, i bought 3 tops within 20mins!!! see what i do when Im angry!!

so im dead tired now. worst for D of coz. me n him not exactly nearby. tomorrow, if my collague say die die must buy printer, i have to go and get one morrooowww!!! jangan TERshop lagi sudahlah. im dead broke, i really am!!

till then, my tired feet needs to rest. adios.

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